Sunday 9 November 2014

Slike z razstave - Pictures from the exhibition

Tole bo bolj slikovna (pa tudi slikovita) objava. Rokodelski center Škofja Loka je na svoji strani objavil precej slik z moje razstave, pa jih delim z vami.

This is going to be a rather pictorial post(and picturesque as well :-) 

 Odprtje razstave je prijetno popestril mladi kitarist Leon Ravnikar (ki ga žal ni tu na sliki, zvoka pa tudi nismo snemali).

The live music played by the young guitarist Leon Ravnikar was a nice addition to the opening of the exhibition (it's a shame he's not in the picture, and the sound wasn't recorded either).

Šentjanževka je carica!     St. John's wort rules!

Lučnik in rumena kozmeja  -  Verbascum et Cosmos sulphureus  - Mullein and yellow cosmos

Razkošje oreha  - The luxury of walnut

Pestrost barv Rich variety of colours


Lučnik na striženi volni belokranjske pramenke (zeleno)Mullein on locks of wool of "Belokranjska pramenka" sheep (green)
Potiskani kosi polfilca (kozmeja, lepe očke,  listi pelargonije)  -  Eco printed pieces of prefelt (cosmos, coreopsis, leaves of geraniums)

Bombažna preja, barvana z rastlinami Natural dyed cotton yarn
Svileni šali, potiskani z rastlinami Eco printed silk scarves

Toliko v slikah. Pridite pogledat v Rokodelski center DUO na Mestnem trgu v Škofji Loki.  Če vam bo kaj zelo všeč, lahko tudi kupite. Razstava je odprta vsak dan od 10.00 do 18.00, ob sobotah do 13.00, ob nedeljah in ponedeljkih zaprto.
This much can be presented in pictures and words. Come see the exhibition in the Art&Craft Centre DUO at Mestni trg 34, Škofja Loka, Slovenia. If you find something you like very much you'll have the opportunity to buy it. The Centre is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m, on Saturdays till 1 p.m., and closed on Sundays and Mondays.

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