Wednesday 11 December 2013

Filcani copati - Felted slippers

 Copati so iz nebarvane volne črne ovce jezersko-solčavske pasme. Kot se lepo vidi, naša "črna" ovca dejansko ni črna, ampak temnorjava. Notranjost je v rumeni barvi, a se žal vidi le malo na zavihku. Naredila sem jih v nedeljo, jih posušila v ponedeljek, danes, v torek, pa sem jih odnesla naročniku - in jih pozabila prej slikati. Tako sem gospoda enostavno prosila, da je "posodil" svojo nogo za slikanje. Copat na sliki niti ni videti hudo eleganten, lastniku pa se copati tako prilegajo, da so noge od veselja kar zaplesale.
 Pa še slika od zgoraj, da se vidi malo več rumene notranjosti.

 The slippers are made of undyed wool from black sheep of Slovenian breed "jezersko-solčavska ovca". As may be well seen, our "black" sheep is actually not black but dark brown. The inside  is made in yellow; unfortunately only a small piece is seen on the  cuff. I made the slippers on Sunday, dried them on Monday, and  today, on Tuesday, I delivered them to the customer - without taking photos before. What could I do? I asked the man who bought them to lend his foot  for taking pictures. The slippers may not look very elegant but they fit the owners feet so well that they danced joyously.
 Below is a picture from above to show a bit more of the yellow inside.

1 comment:

Charlotte (MotherOwl) said...

They look both comfortable and warm, and the contrast between the natural brown (black) wool and you yellow is perfect. Well done to make the owner lend you a helping foot.